Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Sarah Rush, Guildford

Sarah Rush

Financial Planner

On the job

With 15 years of expertise in financial planning and a decade in the international investment banking arena, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. Sarah fulfils a split role where she both advises her clients and provides support to the technical analyst team to ensure all clients receive the best service possible.

Time to relax

Sarah is happily married with two university-aged children. She sings with the Froxfield Choir, tends to her garden, and enjoys sailing in sunny weather. Quality time with family and friends is also a cherished part of her life.

Spotlight questions

What’s your favourite song to play in the car?

‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light’ by Meat Loaf.

Spotlight questions

Which three people would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Queen Elizabeth II, my granny and Stephen Fry.

Spotlight questions

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you win a medal in?


Spotlight questions

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?

Lara Croft.

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