On the job

Since 2008, Steve has worked across numerous areas of the financial services profession. He moved into accounts and finance in 2011 before joining the Bespoke team in April 2018. Steve oversees all financial operations and manages and maintains the back-office systems.

Time to relax

In his spare time, Steve enjoys walking his dog and spending time with his family. He is a keen runner and tries to take part in a few races a year. His musical side shines through when he plays the guitar and piano, and he still dreams of one day becoming a rock star.

Spotlight questions

What’s your favourite song to play in the car?

‘Bat Out of Hell’ by Meat Loaf.

Spotlight questions

Which three people would you invite to your dream dinner party?

Stephen Fry, Moira Stuart and Guy Garvey.

Spotlight questions

If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you win a medal in?

Looking up actors on IMDB to see what else they have been in.

Spotlight questions

If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?

Indiana Jones.

We’re the people who make up Bespoke