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What a Labour government could mean for your finances

by bespoke bespoke

In a decisive and historic victory, the Labour Party won the 2024 UK general election with a significant majority and Keir Starmer has become the UK prime minister after 14 years of Conservative government. The new chancellor, Rachel Reeves, has already pledged to “fix the foundations” of the British economy in a bid to drive […]

15 delicious and unique afternoon teas to enjoy across the UK

by bespoke bespoke

Tearooms across the UK are preparing to take part in this year’s Afternoon Tea Week, which takes place between 12 and 18 August 2024. The celebration of the fantastic British tradition is a brilliant excuse to organise a catch up with your friends or family over a cup of tea and some delicious food. If […]

3 fun ways you can pass on essential money lessons to children

by bespoke bespoke

As a parent or grandparent, you want the young children in your life to grow up to be happy and successful adults. A solid grasp of finances could set them off on the right track when they get older, but alarmingly, many children don’t receive any lessons on the subject during their formal education. A […]

The fantastic benefits of basing your financial plan on happiness

by bespoke bespoke

When you think about what you want the future to look like, it’s probably not the value of your assets that comes to mind first. Instead, you might think about the experiences you want or the wellbeing of your loved ones Yet, to build the life you want, money is usually an important factor. While […]

Why mental shortcuts could harm your financial decision-making skills

by bespoke bespoke

Every day you’ll take mental shortcuts, known as “heuristics”, to help you solve problems quickly. This can be incredibly useful in some circumstances and help you avoid becoming overwhelmed by decisions. Yet, when you’re making large decisions, including how to handle your finances, it could be harmful. Heuristics are necessary for people to navigate their […]

The surprising effect your childhood has on your money mindset

by bespoke bespoke

Your relationship with money may play a huge role in how you handle financial decisions and your long-term security. Many factors affect your financial decisions, but you might be surprised by how much your childhood experiences still influence you today. The majority of parents recognise how important financial education is. Indeed, according to Nationwide, almost […]

What the 2024 general election could mean for your finances

by bespoke bespoke

2024 has been called “the year of elections” with an estimated 2 billion people around the world heading to the polls. Voters in the UK will have their say on 4 July. Now that each of the main parties has published their manifestos, here’s what the 2024 general election could mean for your finances. Conservatives […]

5 breathtaking coastal walks you can take this summer in the UK

by bespoke bespoke

The UK boasts some of the most spectacular coastlines in the world. Trails across the country can take you through sleepy fishing villages, tumbling clifftops, and unique natural formations that are the stuff of legends. Though your adventure may depend upon the whim of the infamously temperamental British climate, there are stretches of the coast […]

Making your present part of your financial plan could enhance your life

by bespoke bespoke

As financial planners, we often talk about the importance of working towards long-term goals and security. As part of your financial plan, you might be putting money into a pension for retirement or building an emergency fund to safeguard your finances if you experience a shock. Considering your long-term ambitions is often important for turning […]